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2000 AD Weekly Magazine
2000 AD Weekly Magazine
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Abbonamento annuale: 52 Numeri | Lingua: Inglese | Paese: Regno Unito
€ 249,95
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2000 AD Weekly Magazine Abbonamento

The first issues was published back in 1977 with the creators Kelvin Gosnell, Pat Mills and John Wagner picking the name as it was the futuristic date that the comic was set in. The basis for this popular publication was a strip format cartoon where the writers were able to expand upon it. It is a successful British science fiction entry that is most famous for Judge Dredd which has become popular both in the US and internationally. The characters have been licensed successfully for the film market. The character of Judge Dredd is seeing a revival in 2012 as the character hits 35 years of age. Dredd will return on American soil this time featured in an unnamed futuristic time. The comic has provided an outlet for promising young artists in the cartoon comic style. The young artists could let their imaginations run wild with the fun and ever changing science fiction story line.

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