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Architectural Record Magazine
Architectural Record Magazine
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Abbonamento annuale: 12 Numeri | Lingua: Inglese | Paese: stati Uniti
€ 162,50
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Architectural Record Magazine Abbonamento

A publication from the McGraw Hill companies, Architectural Record magazine is a highly reflexive and interesting read. Architectural Record doesn’t simply seek to bring you the latest news and designs from the world of architecture, though these are all comprehensively and expertly covered. This is a magazine that isn’t afraid to question architecture itself, and examine the discipline, where it is headed and what direction this should take. Covering architecture and building design from around the world, this magazine looks beyond the structure to what it means for the people using it, and is all the better for it.

Architectural Record Magazine comprare in Italia.

Ordina in modo semplice e veloce un abbonamento a Architectural Record Magazine in Italia su Rivisteininglese.it.Siamo specializzati nella vendita e nella consegna di riviste inglesi e americane. Spediamo Architectural Record Magazine gratuitamente al tuo indirizzo italiano e non rinnoverà mai il tuo abbonamento automaticamente. Molto prima della fine del tuo periodo di abbonamento, ti chiederemo se vuoi prolungarlo per un altro anno.

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