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BBC History Magazine BBC History Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
BBC History Magazine BBC History Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
BBC History Magazine
2 Recensioni | Aggiungi recensione
Abbonamento annuale: 12 Numeri | Lingua: Inglese | Paese: Regno Unito
€ 124,95
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BBC History Magazine

Know Your History And You Can Tell The Future

Being Britain’s best-selling history magazine, BBC History magazine provides fresh perspectives for all the great historic stories you came across with. It explores a broad range of history from ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, to the medieval and Tudor periods, the Victorian era, the two world wars and beyond.For all history enthusiasts, this magazine provides a global perspective in an authoritative yet accessible fashion. A subscription to BBC History magazine is a doorway to explore the historical background to current events, such as Brexit, Black Lives Matter, and the Covid-19 pandemic.

BBC History is published 12 times a year. All subscriptions will end automatically and will not be renewed unless you choose to.


  • Accurate and authoritative articles.
  • The magazine's contributors include many of Britain's foremost popular and academic historians.
  • Monthly coverage about historic news, TV, events, and exhibitions.
  • Access to ancient history and forgotten civilizations.
  • Stunning historic photographs, paintings, and artifacts.

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Mani - 12-10-2019 15:14

I enjoyed reading BBC History until she went too far to the left in the political orientation. So I unsubscribed. (Translated from German to English. Original Review: Hab sie sehr gern gelesen bis sie zu weit links in der politischen Orientierung ging. So habe ich sie abbestellt.)

Marianne - 24-07-2019 10:41

Very good and educational journal. Interesting articles and book reviews that attract reading. From a Swedish reader's perspective, sometimes too much emphasis on places in the UK for tips on travel destinations and events.

This review was translated from Swedish to English. Here's the original review:

Mycket bra och bildande tidskrift. Intressanta artiklar och bokrecensioner som lockar till läsning. Ur en svensk läsares perspektiv ibland för stor tonvikt på platser i Storbritannien vid tips kring resmål och evenemang.