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Best Magazine Best Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Best Magazine Best Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Best Magazine
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Abbonamento annuale: 52 Numeri | Lingua: Inglese | Paese: Regno Unito
€ 349,95
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Best Magazine Abbonamento

Best Magazine is a UK women’s lifestyle publication that carries celebrity gossip including dating info, marriages, divorces, and dustups, beauty and fashion tips, reader makeovers, health and diet information and recipes. In Best Magazine you will find articles on the latest celebrity marriage or breakup, articles on the latest in hair styles and makeup, news on a designer season, diet tips, and information on keeping the man in your life happy, and budget friendly, family friendly recipes. Get the latest in diet information such as how to lose belly fat and that last stubborn ten lbs, or slim down with details about the Harcombe diet detox program, or the Sunshine diet plan. Discover women’s secret sexual fantasies in Best Magazine or how women are faking orgasms. Best Magazine also offers regular sweepstakes and contests where you can win prizes like dream holiday vacations.

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