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British Cinematographer Magazine British Cinematographer Magazine British Cinematographer Magazine
British Cinematographer Magazine British Cinematographer Magazine British Cinematographer Magazine
British Cinematographer Magazine
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Abbonamento annuale: 6 Numeri | Lingua: Inglese | Paese: Regno Unito
€ 92,50
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British Cinematographer Magazine Abbonamento

With powerful technological and economic forces driving the production industry like never before, cinematography is perhaps in the biggest state of flux for a 100 years. British Cinematographer – Europe’s No. 1 cinematography magazine, reflects the dynamism of the times. We focus on the art and craft of cinematographers, and the technologies they use during production and post production. This flagship title is endorsed and read by the British Society of Cinematographers, the Guild of British Camera Technicians, and IMAGO, the Federation of European Cinematographic Societies. Editorially, we seek to educate, inform and entertain. In addition to interviews with leading cinematographers worldwide, each edition is packed with the latest international news and reviews.

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