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Country Music People Magazine
Country Music People Magazine
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Abbonamento annuale: 12 Numeri | Lingua: Inglese | Paese: Regno Unito
€ 134,95
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Country Music People Magazine Abbonamento

Country Music People is a magazine for all the country music lovers, do you count yourself one of them? It is definitely on the upswing with all the new singers and artists that have topped the charts with old favorites and all the country songs that are finding new fan bases. ountry Music People brings together all the fans of country music around the world who recognize the beauty and charm of simple acoustic tunes and lovely, strong voices originating from the countryside. Country music is the music for the people. Rock, folk, bluegrass and many other varieties of music owe their forms and moods to country music’s mellow tones. There are many singers that this magazine covers, from faith Hill and Dolly Parton to Taylor Swift and Lady Antebellum, there are names and faces to mesmerize many a reader.

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