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DNA Magazine DNA Magazine
DNA Magazine DNA Magazine
DNA Magazine
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Abbonamento annuale: 12 Numeri | Lingua: Inglese | Paese: Australia
€ 144,95
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DNA Magazine Abbonamento

Here is the right magazine for the woman who is fashion conscious and adores jaw-dropping hot men. The magazine gives out a lot of useful relationship advice which is refreshing to turn to when all the other resources (friends or family) bore you to death. It often features short interviews of the experienced players in the love of game who give out reliable relationship advice. What’s more, the magazine also sometimes has your favorite hotties giving out tips to maintain a stable relationship!The magazine often covers wild parties of your favorite stars and gives a blow-by-blow description what really went on throughout the night. This section should surely spice up your dull afternoons. To add to this feast, the magazine gives out high resolution photographs of your favorite actors for you to drool over them. There is a very special included in the magazine which gives you really handy tips to seduce your boy.

DNA Magazine comprare in Italia.

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