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Heritage Iron Magazine
Heritage Iron Magazine
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Abbonamento annuale: 6 Numeri | Lingua: Inglese | Paese: stati Uniti
€ 69,95
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Heritage Iron Magazine Abbonamento

Heritage Iron Magazine was founded in 2008 in order to fill a need for those interested in muscle tractors. It features all brands, all makes, and all models of muscle tractors from the 1960 - 1990 era including the equipment used by the tractors. Each issue highlights a featured tractor and presents a detailed account of the tractor, its attributes, its history, and its owner. Other regular features in the magazine are machinery milestones, letters to the editor, equipment and company history, classified ads, auction results, an editor’s page, farm toys, literature, and memorabilia.

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Ordina in modo semplice e veloce un abbonamento a Heritage Iron Magazine in Italia su Rivisteininglese.it.Siamo specializzati nella vendita e nella consegna di riviste inglesi e americane. Spediamo Heritage Iron Magazine gratuitamente al tuo indirizzo italiano e non rinnoverà mai il tuo abbonamento automaticamente. Molto prima della fine del tuo periodo di abbonamento, ti chiederemo se vuoi prolungarlo per un altro anno.

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