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History Scotland Magazine History Scotland Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
History Scotland Magazine History Scotland Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
History Scotland Magazine
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Abbonamento annuale: 6 Numeri | Lingua: Inglese | Paese: Regno Unito
€ 52,50
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History Scotland Magazine Abbonamento

Launched in 2001, History of Scotland is considered to be the premier Scottish history magazine. The magazine sports a formidable pedigree, having been launched at the Royal Museum in Edinburgh by Professor Christopher Smout, Historiographer Royal, who is still one of the magazines patronsThe bi-monthly magazine provides fascinating features on topics from all branches of Scottish history and archaeology. Current thinking, latest research and new discoveries is covered by author and lecturer Dr Alasdair Ross of Stirling university, whilst in depth news,events, book reviews and opinion columns are covered by Scotlands leading historians.

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