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Match of the Day Magazine Match of the Day Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Match of the Day Magazine Match of the Day Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Match of the Day Magazine
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Abbonamento annuale: 26 Numeri | Lingua: Inglese | Paese: Regno Unito
€ 294,95
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Match of the Day Magazine Abbonamento

A fantastically fun footy mag aimed at the younger football fan, Match of The Day magazine is the UK’s best selling footy mag on the market, and we know why!Inside each weekly issue you will find all the latest footy news and gossip, features on your favourite players and teams, fun quizzes and puzzles and some excellent posters for you to put up on your walls. All of this is packaged in a brightly coloured, entertaining magazine brought to you by the BBC, meaning you can trust its quality, and it is often accompanied by free stickers or trading cards. Score!

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