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My Little Pony Magazine
My Little Pony Magazine
1 Recensioni | Aggiungi recensione
Abbonamento annuale: 17 Numeri | Lingua: Inglese | Paese: Regno Unito
€ 184,95
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My Little Pony Magazine Abbonamento

Open the pages of My Little Pony to enter the magical world of Ponyville! Based on the hit TV show, join Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the magical pony cast on their exciting challenges and adventures. Every issue comes with an exclusive My Little Pony gift on the cover, and is packed with beautiful and entertaining stories, comics, puzzles, games, posters and craft ideas. A must-have for all My Little Pony fans!

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Chill nuggut - 08-04-2022 14:46

Her is een leuk tijdschrift. Wel jammer dat het in het Engels is.
Her is ook bizonder dat er een dagboek bij zit.