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My Weekly Magazine
My Weekly Magazine
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Abbonamento annuale: 50 Numeri | Lingua: Inglese | Paese: Regno Unito
€ 224,95
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My Weekly Magazine Abbonamento

My Weekly Magazine is especially created for women to relax them through hectic schedules of managing homes and their families. While the celebrity news and gossip entertain them, recipes and home care tips inform them. The beautifully written articles on self-improvisation and inspiration bring a positive attitude to be stronger and motivated from within. Women can enjoy the featured projects on food, cookery, sewing, hair styling, and more. My Weekly magazine also conveys a perfect amount of fiction through engaging short stories. Included shopping tips and ideas would always have useful information whether you are an extravagant or an economical shopper. Although, the beauty lies within the character, featured tips and articles on beauty and fashion in My Weekly magazine are conscious to reflect that inner beauty on the outer body as well. And to please ladies further, the magazine also has a competition with attractive prizes.

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