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National Geographic (English edition) Magazine Alt Text Alt Text Alt Text
National Geographic (English edition) Magazine Alt Text Alt Text Alt Text
National Geographic (English edition) Magazine
1 Recensioni | Aggiungi recensione
Abbonamento annuale: 12 Numeri | Lingua: Inglese | Paese: stati Uniti
€ 69,95
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National Geographic (English edition) Magazine Abbonamento



National Geographic Magazine is the official magazine of the National Geographic Society, which features articles about geography, archeological, anthropology and exploration. The articles navigate through maps and images that make you feel like you are part of the exploration. The in-depth coverage of features by experienced journalists are exceptionally compelling and entertaining. Apart from being the most read publication for more than a century, its reputation still remain undisputed. The magazine is published in 12 issues in a year. The frequencies of the number of issues are subjected to change. All the subscriptions will end automatically at the end of the subscribed period and will be renewed unless you choose to. HIGHLIGHTS:
  • Inspire readers through fascinating editorials and stunning photography.
  • Environment analysis and impacts of human exploitation.
  • Reputed informative magazine that is beneficial to all age groups.
  • Credible research, interesting presentation and reliable information.
  • Exploration of the past and unknown.

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Luciano Clementi - 05-10-2020 17:25

Original Review:

strepitoso tutto!!!! per chi conosce la lingua. eccezionali le fotografie.io sono abbonato dal 1996. Luciano Clementi


Everything is amazing!!! If you can read English. Exceptional photographs. I have been a subscriber since 1996