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Permaculture Magazine
Permaculture Magazine
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Abbonamento annuale: 4 Numeri | Lingua: Inglese | Paese: Regno Unito
€ 64,95
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Permaculture Magazine Abbonamento

Permaculture is a revolutionary magazine to inspire and educate people about the basic permaculture principles for a healthier and protected life style. It is published quarterly with massive information on the most fundamental principles of caring the Earth, caring the people and the philosophy of fair shareThe magazine is truly a wealth to motivate people to live green. The magazine is rich with relevant information on alternative energy, community planning, peak oil, special techniques of food growing and heaps more. It has been inspiring many with its result oriented vision and easily accessible information. The magazine stresses on conservation of environment for better future of human kind. The magazine also has an emphasis on featuring new product launches to provide ease in gardening or other such activities. The Permaculture magazine can easily be subscribed to get your regular feed of inspiration and suggestion on the permaculture directly delivered to your homes.

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