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Skeptical Inquirer Magazine Skeptical Inquirer Magazine Skeptical Inquirer Magazine
Skeptical Inquirer Magazine Skeptical Inquirer Magazine Skeptical Inquirer Magazine
Skeptical Inquirer Magazine
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Abbonamento annuale: 6 Numeri | Lingua: Inglese | Paese: stati Uniti
€ 64,95
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Skeptical Inquirer Magazine Abbonamento

Skeptical Inquirer Magazine is the official journal of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. Six times per year Skeptical Inquirer publishes critical scientific evaluations of paranormal and fringe-science claims and informed discussion of all relevant issues. In addition to news, articles, book reviews, and investigations on a wide variety of topics, Skeptical Inquirer has a stellar stable of regular columnists including Joe Nickell (Investigative Files), Massimo Polidoro (Notes on a Strange World), Massimo Pigluicci (Thinking About Science), Robert Sheaffer (Psychic Vibrations), and SI managing editor Benjamin Radford's reader-driven (The Skeptical Inquiree).

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