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Trial Magazine
Trial Magazine
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Abbonamento annuale: 6 Numeri | Lingua: Inglese | Paese: Regno Unito
€ 89,95
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Trial Magazine Abbonamento

Trial is the magazine for motorcycle trial enthusiasts. The glossy magazine typically has more than 100 pages filled with glossy color photos of motorcycle trials. Motorcycle trials or observed trials for those who are new to the sport are motorcycle competitions that use specialized trial motorcycles. These events are not speed events, rather the participants ride through an obstacle course as part of the competition and then continue on a designated route. Competitors ride standing up on the trial motorcycles which are specially made to be light with a short suspension. The sport of motorcycle trials is popular throughout Britain and Europe though its popularity is growing on a worldwide basis. Riders in motorcycle trials are judged on their skill level and how many times they touch the ground with their feet.

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