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UK Rock & Roll Magazine
UK Rock & Roll Magazine
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Abbonamento annuale: 12 Numeri | Lingua: Inglese | Paese: Regno Unito
€ 87,50
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UK Rock & Roll Magazine Abbonamento

UK Rock&Roll Magazine is the most widely read magazine rock’n’roll magazine on the planet. It combines coverage of the roots of rock’n’roll with in-depth coverage of what’s happening now in the wide, wild and wonderful world of rock’n’roll, from rockabilly to jive and swing, from British rock’n’roll to psychobilly and vintage R&B, and all points inbetween. No rockin’ stone is left unturned to expose the best in what’s happening on stage, on the dancefloor and on record. UK Rock&Roll Magazine is unique in having a roster of contributors who are at the sharp end of the rock’n’roll community day in, day out, whether as musicians, DJ’s, promoters, or just avid fans, and the depth of knowledge they can draw on is unrivalled. UK Rock&Roll Magazine reaches the parts other magazines don’t even try to reach because it is made by rock’n’rollers, for rock’n’rollers. Rock On.

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